Watch Phoenix Season 1 Episode 26: Episode 26 full HD on ComComHD Free

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Love has perfect timing. For love to blossom, the circumstances must be "just perfect." You did not stop getting along with him or her because you loved them less. That is not why you broke up. When the timing is "correct," Heaven introduces you to the person who will become your lifelong companion. The movie "Phoenix" will show you what heaven has in store for you. There was once a young couple that couldn't be together despite being hopelessly in love with one another but couldn't be together because the timing wasn't quite right for them. After a significant amount of time has passed, the two of them get together again. And the wheel of fortune spins in such a way as to switch their situations and environs. A woman who was formerly the daughter of a millionaire is now a sufferer of the harsh facts of life and works as a helper. On the other hand, an orphan who raised himself through school and became a self-sufficient student is today a successful and affluent businessman. Both of these individuals are now seeing the world through quite distinct lenses. The girl who was previously naive has matured and realized the harsh realities of the world, while the boy whose mind was once warped has become more open-minded and knows how to appreciate mental space. In the end, these two begin to understand one other, and as a result, they have arrived at the "right time."
60 m
