Casey Smallwood, a mild-mannered college student who served ten years in prison for underage drinking, was freed on Christmas Eve. As soon as the train leaves town, it is seized by an irate gang of domestic terrorists and highly-trained, government-trained raccoons, who aim to use the train to get to Washington, D.C.! In order to defeat the terrorists and bring down a top secret military laser satellite controlled by raccoons, Casey teams up with a train porter and refuses to back down from a raccoon fight.
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Casey Smallwood, a mild-mannered college student who served ten years in prison for underage drinking, was freed on Christmas Eve. As soon as the train leaves town, it is seized by an irate gang of domestic terrorists and highly-trained, government-trained raccoons, who aim to use the train to get to Washington, D.C.! In order to defeat the terrorists and bring down a top secret military laser satellite controlled by raccoons, Casey teams up with a train porter and refuses to back down from a raccoon fight.